Director of Schools
Coming into the position in 2011, Billy M. Hall has brought a strong educational leadership background to his role as the Director of Scott County Schools. Hall has spent over two decades working in public education in Scott County as a classroom teacher, bus driver, coach, vice principal, and principal.
Hall began his educational career as an elementary classroom teacher and elementary/middle/high school P.E. coach. His love of sports led him to mentor hundreds of students, both middle and high school, on the basketball court and football field. Through the spirit of competition and true sportsmanship, Hall instilled work ethic and character in his student-athletes. While he no longer serves as a coach formally, it is not uncommon to see Hall volunteering his time and expertise with Scott County’s middle and high school programs.
In 2001, Hall moved into administration serving six years as the Vice Principal at Scott High School and four years as Principal. His tenure helped guide the school to ten consecutive years of maintaining Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the areas of reading/language arts, math, and graduation rate. He made decisions based not only on the belief that all children could learn, but on the foundation that all children could enjoy learning. As Hall stepped into his new role in 2011, he took that guiding principle with him in hopes of touching all teachers and students in Scott County with the excitement of learning.
Hall, a Scott High School alumnus, earned his B.S. degree from East Tennessee State University, M.S. and Ed.S. from Tennessee Technological University. Hall and his wife, Sue, have five children, three grandchildren, and two golden retrievers.
Billy M. Hall
Director of Schools
Phone: 423.663.2159
Fax: 423.663.9682
Board of Education
(4 year terms; next election: August 2026)
Tommy Silcox, 1st District (Fairview Elementary)
Kimberly Kidd, 4th District (Scott High School)
Angela King, 5th District (Winfield Elementary)
Tressa Murphy, 7th District (Burchfield Elementary)
(4 year terms; next election: August 2024)
Carlene Terry, 2nd District (Robbins Elementary)
Linda Sharpe, 3rd District (Huntsville School)
Llew Stanley, 6th District